Friday, July 20, 2007

Marketing to the Masses: Bringing Low-cost PCs to the General Public

Dominating the technology and emerging markets news again this week is the race to capture the low-cost PC market in developing countries. Via joined its competitors last week with the release of a low-cost education PC in South Africa. Intel also announced that they are joining forces with the One-Laptop-per-Child initiative, adding the tech giant’s heft to the project, and two weeks ago we discussed Microsoft’s recent launch of the IQ PC for India. The solutions all share a focus on the education market and have limited distribution.

PC and software companies aim for the education segment in emerging markets because government buyers, even in poor countries, can have relatively large budgets. Vital Wave Consulting research shows the 10 largest emerging-market countries spent an estimated $4.7 billion (USD) on IT in education last year. A well-designed computer with relevant content can help meet a country’s education goals, and affirm the PC manufacturer’s commitment to social and economic development, blunting any criticism that they are capitalizing on the world’s poor.

Targeting the education segment is strategically sound, but the fast-growing consumer segment also presents a significant opportunity for multinational companies (MNCs) looking to increase revenues in developing countries. Original research by Vital Wave Consulting identifies a noticeable discrepancy between consumers’ perception of PC prices and the actual price offered in the retail channel. In-depth interviews of likely near-term PC buyers in seven emerging markets showed that the prices most consumers are willing to pay for a PC actually exceed the current price of a basic computer. MNCs can increase their total addressable market (TAM) by educating potential buyers about the “true price” of a starter PC. This is one strategy that can help MNCs capture near-term incremental market opportunities with minimal disruption to existing business processes.

Also in the news:

* Michael Dell and OLPC execs spar over recycled PCs
* Developing countries as leaders in innovation
* iPhone as a computer of the future with developing world applications

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